Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mini make: Games Compendium

Mini-medieval came home from school the other day whilst I was making some items and wanted to make something too, Daddy. So I grabbed a spare strip of linen and some ordinary poster paint and let Drogo have a go. The result was a really nice trio of boards, really clear what they were and good brush control. Once the paint was dry it has proved incredibly durable to everything bar water.
Three little game boards, all in a row.


Knockings In and Out

Noughts and Crosses
Having had a go with brush and paint I then let him loose on the self drying clay. He chose to make simple cone pieces, or 
pointy ones
 so, with a little bit of guidance he made the following.
I was about to cut out the three boards, hem them and then make a seperate bag to carry them all in when once more the wife waded in with another excessively good idea (if this ganging up and outshining me continues words will need to be had). She simply suggested I made the strip into a bag like those over the shoulder record bags with the flap over the top.
You would think with all this sewing that my backstitch would improve. No such luck . So now junior has a little compendium of games he has made himself to keep him occupied on the recreation field whilst Mummy and Daddy are talking to the punters.

Abakhan again. I'm trying to make up for the time I forgot them still.

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